
Town Hall 15

Town Hall 15 is the latest addition to the Clash of Clans, the popular strategic game developed and published by Finnish game developer Supercell. The new update comes with a host of exciting features that engage players for many hours and ensure the ultimate pleasure one gain from playing COC.

If you’re new to Clash of Clans, or an intermediate payer, you’ve got a long way to go before clash of clans town hall 15. Spending time and money are keys to reaching coc th15. However, there is a shortcut through this long way: buy a th 15 clash of clans account.

Clash Markets offers a variety of Clash of Clans town hall 15 accounts for sale. Whether you want a Fully upgraded coc th15 account or plan to expand the game by yourself from the beginning of this stage; Clash Markets can offer your preferred account at a reasonable price.

You just need to search among our endless collection of premium accounts and choose the one that suits your needs and budget.

Clash Markets is a one-of-a-kind store that offers great accounts, incredible pricing, 24/7 support, and a lifetime warranty, all in one package.
Still in doubt about buying the clash of clan th15 base account? Let’s take a look at the addition’s features.

Introduction to th 15 Clash of Clans

coc th15 is currently the highest town hall in the Clash of Clans; where all the buildings, troops, and features are available. Although there may be new updates in the future, if you want a fully upgraded account, th15 account for sale is the best choice at the moment.

The new buildings introduced in the hall include:
• Pet House, where players can keep and train their pets
• Ancient Furnace, which allows players to craft exclusive spells

Furthermore, you can upgrade existing buildings such as the Laboratory, Grand Warden, and Scattershot to new levels to boost their strength and take the most from these buildings.
New troops include the Yeti Blimp and Rocket Balloon; The first carries Yetis to drop on enemy defenses, and the second launches missiles at enemy defenses.

The fifth hero, “Royal Champion” is unlocked at this stage, which can summon a group of archers to help her in the battle.

To achieve the fastest progress in this hall, players should focus on upgrading their resource collectors, defensive structures, and offensive units.

Clash of Clan th15 Base Accounts for Sale

If you are looking for a th15 account for sale, you have a wide range of choices in Clash Market. You might want a freshly upgraded TH15 account to earn your glory by spending time and energy building it yourself from scratch.

Maybe you want a developed TH15 account (partially maxed offenses and defenses), which is in the middle of the road, to follow it to the end by spending time and money. If you are one of the players who enjoy a fully upgraded hall with all the facilities, you can invest in Maxed TH15 Accounts, our fully upgraded premium choices.

In brief, you can find three types of clash of clans town hall 15 accounts in Clash Markets:
• New TH15 Accounts (Freshly upgraded to TH15)
• Developed TH15 Accounts (Partially maxed offenses and defenses)
• Maxed TH15 Accounts (Fully upgraded buildings, troops, walls, etc.)
The first is available at the lowest price, while the third one requires you to invest more.

Town Hall 15 Account Pricing

Various factors affect Clash of Clans account prices.
Although the levels’s momentousness is not neglectable, contrary to popular belief, the impact of levels on price is not significant. High-level accounts, which include low-upgraded buildings and labs, have a lower purchase value. Meanwhile, the lower-level accounts, with fully available upgraded buildings and enriched forces, offer the most value for the price.

Buying th15 max levels Accounts is no exception. Clash Market doesn’t price the account based on levels; This kind of pricing is not fair, and we are very much in favor of justice! Instead, the two main factors we pursue in pricing are the heroes level (King Barbarian, Archer Queen, Grand Warden, Royal Champion levels), as well as the wall level; as these two elements are the most time-consuming subjects requiring lots of effort and energy.

However, we need hardly point, most of the time, the upgrading of levels goes hand in hand with the increase of game options.

To give a clue about the range of account prices in Clash Market, we have to say that newly upgraded accounts to Town Hall 15 have the lowest prices, at the same time, Developed TH15 Accounts, which are partially maxed offenses and defenses, have balanced prices and finally, max th15 for sale (th15 max levels) require the most investment.

For a satisfactory purchase clash of clans th15 base, it is necessary to carefully review the information on upgrading buildings, laboratories, and forces and make the best decision based on your appetite and budget.


Clash Markets offers its th 15 clash of clans accounts in three categories: New TH15 Accounts, Developed TH15 Accounts, and Maxed TH15 Accounts, whose prices increase respectively.

Although building levels, lab upgrades, and resources are among the factors that affect the account price, Clash Market focuses the pricing on the level of heroes and walls, as these two factors require the most effort and investment.

If you are looking for a th15 account for sale (coc th15), you can find a wide range of these accounts in the Clash Market store and purchase them with a good price and after-sales service.

 What are the new features introduced in Town Hall 15?

Town Hall 15 introduces new buildings and upgrades, including the Battle Blimp air unit, Unbreakable Walls, and the Pet House for pets.

What is the upgrade cost and time for Town Hall 15?

The upgrade cost and time for Town Hall 15 vary. You can check the game for the specific details.

Can you attack players with lower Town Hall levels if you have Town Hall 15?

Yes, with Town Hall 15, you can attack players with lower Town Hall levels, but your rewards will be reduced compared to attacking players with higher Town Hall levels.

Are there any special defenses or traps at Town Hall 15?

Yes, at Town Hall 15, you can unlock new defenses and traps, such as the Colossus, Rocketeer, and Electro Owl.