Frequently asked Questions

Simply choose the product you wish to purchase, add it to your cart and proceed to the checkout process. Once you’re in checkout fill the information required and pick your desired payment method. We have a wide variety of payment methods on our website, including:

  • Stripe, PayPal (Worldwide)
  • Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, more…)
  • Debit Card
  • PayTabs (3D secure payment)
  • Crypto

If you have another form of payment that we don’t have listed at checkout, please let us know on Live Support. We will try our best to accommodate you.

Clash Markets specializes in providing exclusive services and features for popular games such as Clash of Clans and Clash Royale. Our commitment to excellence ensures that we offer only the finest products and services to our valued customers and site visitors.

  • All accounts featured on our website are the sole property of Clash Markets, guaranteeing their authenticity and quality. Unlike other online marketplaces that offer open advertisements and sales, Clash Markets sets itself apart through its many positive attributes.
  • Upon purchasing a product from us, swift delivery is assured, distinguishing us from other sites where sellers may take their time. What’s more, should any issues arise regarding the products offered on our website, our dedicated customer support team will swiftly resolve them. This is our greatest feature – a lifetime guarantee of satisfaction.
  • Our prices are also unbeatable due to our extensive selection of products, all of which are supplied by our own players.
  • In conclusion, choosing to invest in Clash Markets means receiving prompt delivery, unparalleled quality, exceptional customer service, and unbeatable pricing.

Use the experience of others. We have the highest score on the trust poilt site

All customers were completely satisfied with the deal with us and we were with them throughout the purchase and delivery process

Our team is online at all hours of the day and all days of the week and you will never have a question without an answer or a problem without being solved.

So you can easily trust us and enjoy shopping and playing

Our products can be accessed on any device which supports the game. We will provide you with a detailed instruction guide when you purchase an account to show you how to set up the account properly on any device. We also provide 24/7 Live Support if you have any further questions, such as details on how to access your new account using your preferred device and operating system.

We deliver the full account information to your email within 12 hours (maximum) of a successful purchase. We also offer 24/7 Real Time Live Support – Find it on the bottom right of every page on our website. Our agents are ready to help you at any time!

  1. Login to your Clash Market Dashboard (LOGIN)
  2. Then click on the Orders (ORDERS) and you see list of purchased Products.
  3. Then click on the “view” button of your orders
  4. In Order Details Page, you can get the Product login information.
  5. Click on the button “Get Product” to get the product
  • Find your backup codes.
  • Sign in to Google Account.  
  • Click Try another way.
  • Click Enter one of your 8-digit backup codes.
  • Enter one of your unused backup codes.

Never try to change the name and family in the Gmail setting that may cause locking Gmail for suspicious activity

please note: Do not  text with supercell in any case. If you do your account will be blocked permanently!


How to switch account in coc using supercell id