
Buy COC Town Hall 12 Accounts Cheap

If you have passed the ten first town hall of Clash of Clans, you have already come a long way up to the top of the game mountain.

“Every mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing,” Barry Finlay says. However, the matter is time!

If your time is not as much as your passion for the game, you can buy a clash of clans town hall 12. Beyond lack of time, there are other reasons to buy a th12 account for sale, such as seeking to gain a competitive advantage in the game.

Clash Markets offers all kinds of th12 accounts for sale with a lifetime warranty, reasonable price, and 24-hour support.

After purchase, you can immediately dive into the gameplay and get all the progress you’ve made on that account to date.

Introduction to Town Hall 12

Upon arrival to TH12 Clash of Clans, a non-defensive building, named “Siege Workshop” is provided, allowing you to build Siege Machines, which can be loaded with troops and deployed during attacks to breach enemy walls or provide support.

Furthermore, the King and Queen can be upgraded up to level 65 in Coc th12, while Grand Warden has the opportunity to reach level 40.

“Giga Tesla” is a defense feature that is unlocked in Clash of Clan th12 base, which is actually an upgraded version of the “Hidden Tesla” defense. Giga Tesla releases powerful electrical blasts and can target many buildings and players at the same time.

Town Hall 12 Accounts for Sale

Just as all players are not identical in terms of strength, the Clash of Clan th12 base accounts offered by Clash Markets are also diverse and can cover a variety of tastes and budgets. For the convenience of choosing, Clash Market has categorized its 12 Clash of Clans town Hall accounts as follows:


  • New TH12 Accounts – Freshly upgraded to TH12
  • Developed TH12 Accounts – Partially maxed offenses and defenses
  • Maxed TH12 Accounts – Fully upgraded buildings, troops, walls, etc. (max th12 for sale)


As the name suggests, New TH12 Accounts include villages just been introduced to coc th12. They are like saddled horses ready to ride and help you realize your dream of progressing your village. Even, the better news is that they are the most affordable th12 account for sale.

Developed TH12 Accounts are partially maxed offenses and defenses. In other words, by purchasing them, you can start your journey from the middle of the road. They are affordable, though not as New TH12 Accounts are.

At the other end of the category spectrum is Maxed TH12 Accounts, where the existing accounts are completely upgraded. If you want to start your adventure with a full-fledged village, Join a competitive clan, and progress to hit your target, we recommend this th12 account for sale. However, max th12 for sale (th12 max levels)are a bit pricy.

Clash of Clans town hall 12 Account Pricing

The prices of th 12 Clash of Clans accounts are not just about the categories provided. The villages in each class vary in value based on the level and progression; consequently, their prices are also different.

In general,  heroes, buildings, and laboratory upgrading, along with the amount of resources, have the greatest impact on the price. The level is also considered, but its effect is less. In comparison between two identical levels, the more upgraded account is more expensive.

You can trust Clash Market’s judgment on pricing and buy Clash of Clan th12 base account with peace of mind.


If you are new in COC or are in low levels, it’s going to take you a lot of time to reach th12 max levels. Thankfully, there can be a shortcut if you buy th12 account for sale. While this is one way to skip all the painstaking effort you have to put into the game,  buying from intermediary or third-party sites could expose you to online scam sites. Good thing there is Clash Market, a secure, trusted, and non-intermediate site for you to buy Clash of Clan th12 base accounts. There is no need to risk losing your money and information when you’ve come to a decision to buy th12 account for sale from Clash Markets.

Buy town hall 12 account quick and simple

Buy town hall 12 accounts now. Review the information below to determine which Clash of Clans account best suits your needs before purchasing. You’ll get your clash of clans town hall 12 for sale details in an email after you buy. It will immediately allow you to log in. Don’t hesitate any more and purchase your desired account.